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The Best of Nature for Everyone

The Best of Nature for Everyone

More than just a plant, a solution for a healthy life

In a world where access to healthy and affordable food is becoming a daily challenge, ME® presents itself as a wellness solution. Faced with inflation that drives consumers to turn to products with often insufficient nutritional value, we offer a natural and powerful alternative: Moringa.

Used for millennia and rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories, it supplements a deficient diet and can help prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol, and cancer.

Scientific study Chronic Disases

Diseases prevention

Cancer prevention study

The Origins of the ME® House

Much more than just a brand, a Moringa revolution

Born from the encounter between Jeanne Margaux Ngo Yockbag, a visionary Cameroonian entrepreneur, and Manfred Schmitt, an experienced German businessman, ME® shakes up the Moringa paradigm in 2012.

More than just a brand, ME® is an ambitious vision: to offer exclusive products based on Moringa grown in an exceptional organic farm, pushing the boundaries of holistic well-being.

Inspired by ancestral traditions and Jeanne's travels in Asia, ME® establishes itself as the world's first Moringa brand made in Africa.

Present in Europe, Japan, Canada, and the United States, ME® offers a unique response to health and balance needs thanks to the nutritional richness of Moringa.

Moringa genesis
The Philosophy of ME® House

The Philosophy of ME® House

ME® is not just a brand, it's a philosophy.

A philosophy that celebrates the sacred union of body, soul, and spirit.

Our mission: to guide you towards holistic well-being through the extraordinary power of Moringa.

ME®: The perfect alliance between tradition and innovation

  • Exceptional products: Grown with love and expertise, our Moringa-based products offer unmatched quality.
  • A holistic approach: ME® guides you towards a profound transformation, nourishing your body and spirit for a more fulfilling life.
  • A commitment to sustainability: Respectful of the environment and local communities, we are proud to contribute to a healthier future.

Choosing ME® means choosing:

  • The alliance of ancestral knowledge and modern discoveries.
  • An extensive range of products for healthy nutrition, natural beauty, and optimal well-being.
ME® farm in Kenya

Discover the ME® Lifestyle

...or how to enter a virtuous circle of body-soul-spirit through the ME range

"ME4YOU Lifestyle"


Focus is on nutrition, with a dietary rebalancing and an introduction to the Ayurvedic diet, enriched with moringa-based recipes. Physical activity is encouraged through three daily sports, Qi-gong (qualified as the gymnastics of happiness), running, and the integration of moringa in sports. Natural beauty is approached by using vegetable oils and moringa, highlighting the nutricosmetic and hygienic properties of this plant.


This section deals with work as a source of fulfillment, toxic relationships in love, friendship, and family, and building self-confidence and respect for others. Advice is given to improve intellectual performance with moringa, manage crises in relationships, and assert oneself in the world.


The last part of the guide focuses on reconnecting with oneself through meditation, personal change, and letting go. Massage techniques to feel lighter, mindfulness activities to reconnect with nature, and natural solutions against sleep disorders are proposed, all benefiting from the advantages of moringa.

Incorporate ME® products into your daily life

... or how to cook with ME® powder or Inspire ME® leaves

Moringa, Celery, Apple, Ginger, and Lemon Smoothie


  • 1 teaspoon of ME® powder 
  • 2 stalks of celery, washed and cut into pieces
  • 1 apple, cored and cut into pieces
  • 1 small piece of fresh ginger, peeled (about 1 cm)
  • The juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 glass of water (adjust according to desired consistency)
  • A few ice cubes (optional)


  1. Put all the ingredients in a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth and homogeneous.
  3. Adjust the consistency with more water if necessary.
  4. Serve immediately.

Ginger, Pepper, and Moringa Fish


  • 2 fish fillets of your choice
  • 1 teaspoon of ME® powder or dried leaves Inspire ME®
  • 1 small piece of fresh ginger, grated
  • 1 shallot, one clove of garlic 
  • Kompot black pepper and salt to taste
  • Olive oil for cooking and for the marinade


  1. Season the fish fillets with salt, black pepper, and grated ginger.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Add the fish fillets and cook until they are golden on each side and cooked through inside.
  3. Prepare a marinade with olive oil,  ME® powder or dried leaves Inspire ME®, ginger, and pepper
  4. Just before removing the fish from the pan, add the marinade to each fillet and cook for an additional minute.
  5. Serve hot, accompanied by steamed vegetables or a fresh salad.


The Ethical and Responsible Meaning of ME®

Nature Conservation and Biodiversity Improvement

The company commits to managing its agricultural lands ecologically, focusing on sustainability and biodiversity enhancement. It employs unique composting methods and strives to preserve local wildlife, including endangered species.

Social Investment and Rural Development

ME Moringa For Life® invests in the development of rural communities, particularly in the Msambweni region of Kenya, by creating jobs and offering agronomic training. The company also promotes the empowerment of local farmers through programs such as Rural Green Wellbeing.

Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

Recognizing the crucial role of women in the domestic economy and the well-being of rural communities, ME Moringa For Life® promotes female employment, which constitutes 60% of its workforce.

Global Health, Fighting Malnutrition and Lifestyle Diseases

The company promotes the exceptional nutritional and medicinal benefits of moringa, often called "the tree of life," to combat malnutrition and diseases related to poor diet in Africa and beyond.

Solidarity and Assistance to the Most Vulnerable

ME Moringa For Life® commits to supporting disadvantaged and vulnerable individuals through various actions, including improving access to education and fighting poverty.

CO2 Balance

Moringa, with its frequent harvesting and CO2 absorption capacity, consumes 20 times more CO2 than a normal tree. The state of the 14 hectares of cultivated moringa more than offsets the CO2 from transportation.

ME® Ethics



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